Doctoral Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering

Chairman of the Doctoral Council

  • Dr. Kéki Sándor, full professor DSc


Secretary of the Doctoral Council

  • Bessenyei Éva, PhD referent


Doctoral School of Physics

  • Dr. Kun Ferenc, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Sulik Béla, scientific advisor (Institute for Nuclear Research)
  • Dr. Erdélyi Zoltán, full professor DSc (UD)

Doctoral School of Earth Sciences

  • Dr. Kozma Gábor, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Szabó György, full professor (UD)
  • Dr. Szalai Zoltán, research fellow (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)

Doctoral School of Informatics

  • Dr. Baran Sándor, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Dombrádi Zsolt, scientific advisor (Institute for Nuclear Research)
  • Dr. Vaszil György, full professor DSc (UD)

Juhász-Nagy Pál Doctoral School

  • Dr. Tóthmérész Béla, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Magura Tibor, full professor DSc (UD) 
  • Dr. Rózsa Lajos, scientific advisor (Centre for Ecological Research)
  • Dr. Lengyel Szabolcs, scientific advisor (Centre for Ecological Research )

Doctoral School of Chemistry

  • Dr. Fábián István, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Gáspár Attila, full professor DSc (UD)
  • Dr. Mika László Tamás, full professor DSc (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)

Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

  • Dr. Páles Zsolt, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school (UD)
  • Dr. Hajdu Lajos, full professor DSc (UD)
  • Dr. Szabó Csaba, full professor DSc (Eötvös Loránd University)

Pekár Imre Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering

  • Dr. Kalmár Ferenc, full professor DSc, head of the doctoral school
  • Dr. Husi Géza, full professor DSc
  • Dr. Siménfalvi Zoltán Károly, full professor DSc (University of Miskolc)


Student's representative

  • Tóth Norbert, PhD student 


  • Bessenyei Éva, PhD referent

Updated: 2025.03.06.

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